Danish Media Says "Lee Han-beom, German-Croatian Team Lease Offer... Rejects Team Meetwillan"

Lee Han-beom (23), a defender from the South Korean national soccer team, received a loan offer from the Croatian and German teams, but his current team, Denmark's Mitwillan, refused, according to local media reports.

Danish media "Bold" reported on the 28th that "several teams are showing specific interest in Lee Han-beom, but Mitwillan does not want to turn his back and send him on loan."

The team that offered Lee Han-beom a loan is Oshiyek, Croatia, and a team in the second division of the German Bundesliga. "Mitwillan said Croatia's Oshiyek showed specific interest in Lee Han-beom, but he is no longer willing to send him on loan," Bold said. "Oshiyek is a team ranked fourth in the Croatian league after Croatian big clubs Heiduk Split and Dynamo Zagreb." He added, "A club in the second division of the German Bundesliga also showed specific interest in Lee Han-beom, but Mitwillan's answer was the same."

According to Bold, Meat Willan promised to send Lee Han-bum on loan in the winter transfer market, but changed his mind. "He didn't get much time to play after joining Meat Willan," Bold said. The club's original plan was to allow Lee to play more time on loan. "At the meeting in December last year, we already told the player that an agreement was reached that it would go as planned if the offer came," he said. "But Meat Willan has turned the situation around. We are talking about something else."

"Lee became disappointed that he could not get more time to play," Bold said. "Lee Han-bum, 22, played in only six games this season and spent most of last fall on the bench." Lee Han-bum's last start in Denmark's Super Liga was against Vyborg on Sept. 29 last year.

Danish coach Thomas Tomasber Mitwillan uses center defenders Mads Beck Sørensen and Usman Diao. Despite the European competition, he rarely gives Lee a chance.

"The club clearly agreed to send Lee Han-beom on loan for the rest of the season if there is a team interested in him, and the player was willing to do so," Bold said. "But I don't think it will go that way anyway." The media reported that the club contacted Mitwillan, but the club did not want to comment.

Lee Han-beom, who left K-League FC Seoul to move to Meat Willan in the summer of 2023, made his first start in the match against Aarhus on Feb. 26 last year and scored his debut goal, making him one of the best 11 players in the round. The team won the league title in its first season, but played only three games. 메이저놀이터

In August, he started in the second round of the second qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League against Santa Colomma (Andora), contributing to his 1-0 victory by playing full-time. In August that year, he was also selected as a member of the Korean national football team led by coach Hong Myung-bo. In the same month, he played full-time against Sønerwiskea in the Danish Super League, contributed to the come-from-behind goal and led the team to a 3-2 victory. However, Lee Han-beom, who has been on the bench list since October but failed to get a chance to play, was looking for a loan to play.

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